Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap clap clap.
I was using my free time to learn Adobe After Effects and Flash until my free time ground to a halt. It's bad enough that everything I learned in school is obsolete. Between software updates and the addition or reinvention of marketing channels and trends like the "social media revolution", you wouldn't be alone if you found yourself wandering the aisles at the liquour store.
By the time you finish a three or four year program in design, you're looking for a job and some kind of retraining course. Education is a life long process, especially for designers and advertisers. What I will say for now is find your moments, and rethink your "free time". More to come.
By the time you finish a three or four year program in design, you're looking for a job and some kind of retraining course. Education is a life long process, especially for designers and advertisers. What I will say for now is find your moments, and rethink your "free time". More to come.