Friday, March 27, 2009

The State of Design: Your Logo Makes Me Barf

I got a tweet that promised to cheer the spirits of any designer or art director. Mission accomplished,

I've always said Photoshop wasn't expensive enough. The purpose of the site is to show what happens when unskilled people design logos. "Good logos require time and involve great forethought. A good logo should be a financial investment but also something that will benefit the long term growth of a company." Just because you found a torrent for anything in the Adobe library does not make you a designer.

My second favourite part of the site is the disclaimer page for anyone who gets the cold splash of water as they find their logo featured. If it's your company logo, they strongly advise it's time for a redesign and even have a list of endorsed professionals.

If you were the designer, blow out the pilot light on your oven and read a long book. Actually, it advises that criticism is part of design and part of design is constant learning. The truly commited have to eat criticism and learn from it. You're forever going to hone your craft and even a mentorship is not a bad idea.

I endorse the site because, A) it's the logo version of the audition episodes of American Idol, and B) see point A.

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